Kamis, 08 Januari 2009


By: Mukai Natsumi
Genre: Adventure
Publisher: Media Works,Inc.

Di dunia ini, ada anak- anak tertentu yang memiliki kemampuan binatang yang luar biasa dalam tubuhnya. Ikan, burung ataupun beruang. Mereka disebut + Anima. +Anima dalam tubuh mereka akan muncul jika mereka menghadapi bahaya, yang mendekati "KEMATIAn".
Cooro, + Anima gagak, periang , hobi makan apel, mencari kawan +Anima untuk melakukan petualangan bersama. Mencari tujuan hidup sebagai +Anima.
Di kota pertama yang ia singgahi, ia bertemu dengan Husky, + Anima ikan( nama aslinya adalah Mirra, putra Raja Sailand dari permaisuri ke 22), anak cowok yang sebaya dengannya, ketus, tutur katanya kasar walau sopan di depan orang dewasa, benci cewek. Di kota ini Husky berperan sebagai putri duyung di sirkus yang ia mainkan demi mendapatkan uang. Cooro pun mengajak Husky kabur dari sana, dan Husky pun menemani Cooro mencari kawan baru. Parahnya, karena wajahnya yang bersih (agak mirip cewek) dan kecintaannya pada perhiasan, ia sering dikira cewek, sampai disukai dan digoda cowok pula!
Di kota berikut, Husky dan Cooro bertemu dengan Senri, +Anima beruang, bangsa Kimunkul, kuat, tak banyak bicara, dan selalu membawa buku yang di dalamnya ada benda (tumbuhan kering/ bulu Cooro) kesayangannya. Selalu memakai penutup mata, untuk melindungi dari keganasan animanya.
Kemudian mereka bertemu Nana, + Anima kelelawar, cerewet, agak centil. Husky awalnya menolak Nana untuk bergabung dengan mereka, karena pribadi Husky yang benci cewek, dan mengancam keluar dari kelompok jika Nana ikut. Namun akhirnya Husky pun luluh, setelah tahu masa lalu Nana yang menyedihkan dan tak punya tempat lagi untuk bernaung. Kelompok ini bertualang bersama, mencari tujuan masing-masing, mencari arti kehidupan mereka sebagai + Anima, menemukan masa lalu masing-masing dari mereka, dan meraih masa depan bersama-sama.

Total buku : 10 jilid
Penerbit: m & c ِ




Art: Adachitoka

Story: Kawashima Tadashi.

Category: Adventure, Shonen

Publisher: Kodansha, Ltd.

Kanou Taisuke, Hirose Yuuichi dan Ochiai Megumi berusia 16 tahun dan bersekolah di sekolah yang sama. Mereka bersahabat sejak kecil. Kanou Taisuke, bukan anak yang lemah tapi sangat menjunjung tinggi keadilan. Tak segan memukul atau berkelahi untuk membela temannya. Hirose Yuuichi, selalu jadi objek penindasan sejak kecil. Tidak pernah balas memukul jika ditindas, karena itu adalah hal yang ia benci. Ochiai Megumi, selalu mengkhawatirkan mereka berdua.

Suatu hari terjadi peristiwa bunuh diri secara besar-besaran. Banyak orang melakukan bunuh diri tanpa sebab, hal ini terus berlangsung selama seminggu dan disebut "seminggu mimpi buruk". Tidak hanya di Jepang, hal ini juga melanda Negara-negara lain di seluruh dunia.

Peristiwa ini diyakini disebabkan oleh "virus bunuh diri".

Sebenarnya, tidak semua orang yang terjangkiti virus ini ikut bunuh diri. Di antaranya ada yang masih hidup, merekalah para "pemilik kekuatan". Kekuatan luar biasa yang mereka dapatkan ketika tubuhnya menolak perintah virus tersebut untuk mati. Yang memiliki kekuatan hanyalah orang yang punya" lubang hati". Perasaan bersalah, kesepian, balas dendam, itulah yang dinamakan "lubang hati".

Taisuke dan Hiro memiliki kekuatan luar biasa ini. Namun , Taisuku tak menyadarinya, sebaliknya dengan Hirose, yang kemudian membunuh 4 orang senior yang pernah menindasnya. Meski begitu, Taisuke dan Megu percaya kalau bukan Hiro yang membunuh . Karena kejadian itu, Hiro pun ditahan.

Katsumata Shigeki, Kepala Polisi yang menangani kasus Hiro, dan juga dia adalah pemilik kekuatan, mengajak Hiro-kun untuk bergabung ke dalam grupnya untuk mencari "jantung akuro" yang dapat merubah dunia.

2 minggu kemudian Hiro bebas dan kembali ke sekolah. Taisuke merasakan ada perubahan pada Hiro, tapi tak mau mengakuinya. Saat istirahat, Hiro mengajak Megu ke atap gedung sekolah, tapi Megu tak mau karena ada kenangan buruk saat 4 senior mati dan Hiro dituduh membunuh mereka disana waktu itu. Hiro memaksa, dan Tai yang ada di sana menghentikan Hiro. Tapi Hiro malah menyerang Tai, sehingga Megu dan Tai malah jatuh dari atap. Ajaib, Tai tak luka sedikitpun, bahkan bias melawan gravitasi sehingga tak jatuh. Hiro pun tahu kalau Tai juga sama sepertinya. Hiro membawa pergi Megu dan bergabung dengan Katsumata. Tai terluka parah dan pingsan selama 3 hari.

Tai kabur dari RS dan melakukan petualangan mencari Megu dan Hiro. Di tengah jalan, ia bertemu Takizawa Yuuta dan Kusunoki Nami, juga pemilik kekuatan , bersama pergi menuju utara, dengan tujuan masing-masing , dan menyelamatkan dunia dari KEGELAPAN DAN KEHANCURAN.



By : Bisco Hatori
Category : Romantic Comedy, Shojo

Fujioka Haruhi, murid baru kelas 10 yang mendapat beasiswa untuk bersekolah di SMU OURAN. SMU OURAN adalah sekolah terkenal yang isinya hanyalah anak –anak dari keluarga kaya, seperti anak pejabat dan pengusaha. Dan sebagai siswa yang bersekolah di SMU OURAN dengan beasiswa, maka Haruhi pun dicap sebagai "orang miskin".

Haruhi yang ternyata cewek ini, memakai seragam laki-laki di SMU OURAN sehari-harinya. Lho kok? Bagi Haruhi, berpenampilan sebagai cowok ataupun cewek nggak perlu dipermasalahkan. Haruhi tidak pernah peduli dengan adanya gender. Ini karena ayah Haruhi sendiri adalah seorang waria, sementara sang Ibu telah bercerai dengan sang ayah dan menikah lagi dengan orang lain.

Suatu hari, Haruhi masuk ke sebuah ruangan di SMU OURAN yang dia kira itu adalah ruang musik, dan pastinya enggak ada orang di sana. Haruhi kemudian membuka pintu ruangan tersebut. Dia kaget banget karena diberi ucapan selamat datang oleh HOST CLUB SMU OURAN. Tamaki, Kyoya , Hitachin Kaoru dan Hikaru (kembar), Hashinodzuka dan Morinodzuka, HOST CLUB SMU OURAN pun memperkenalkan diri. Keenam orang ini adalah cowok paling popular dan berpengaruh di sekolah (juga idola para cewek di sana). Mereka kecewa karena yang datang bukannya cewek tapi cowok (karena Haruhi pakai baju cowok).

Haruhi merasa kalau ini adalah klub paling konyol yang pernah ada. Karena nggak hati- hati, secara nggak sengaja Haruhi mmecahkan guci dari zaman restorasi Meiji yang bernilai 8.000.000 yen. Haruhi pun disuruh mengganti guci tersebut. Tapi karena tahu kalau Haruhi hanyalah seseorang yang beruntung untuk bias bersekolah di SMU OURAN, mereka meminta Haruhi menebusnya dengan bekerja di HOST CLUB SMU OURAN.

Ternyata setelah masuk di HOST CLUB, Haruhi jadi cukup terkenal juga. Para cewek di SMU OURAN menyukai tutur kata Haruhi yang sopan dan halus, juga bias meluluhkan hati para cewek (ya iyalah, secara dia kan juga cewek). Selain jadi terkenal, Haruhi pun juga diam-diam disukai sama teman satu klubnya, yaitu Tamaki Sou dan Hitachin Hikaru (rahasia Fujioka Haruhi adalah cewek terungkap di chapter 3). Mereka berdua berusaha mendapatkan Haruhi yang ternyata juga takut petir dan badai ini.

Jumat, 24 Oktober 2008


Original / Romaji LyricsEnglish Translation

We are Fighting Dreamers Takami wo mezashite

Fighting Dreamers Narifuri kamawazu

Fighting Dreamers Shinjiru ga mama ni

Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!

We are Fighting Dreamers, aiming high

Fighting Dreamers, not caring about appearances

Fighting Dreamers, because we believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!

Right here Right now (Bang!)

Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!

Right here Right now (Burn!)

Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!

Right here Right now (Bang!)

Fire like a bullet LINER!

Right here Right now (Burn!)

Finish it off Get the fire!

Right here Right now (Bang!)

Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!

Right here Right now (Burn!)

Right here Right now (Bang!)

Fire like a bullet LINER!

Right here Right now (Burn!)

Kewashii shura no michi no naka Hito no chizu wo hirogete doko e yuku?

Gokusaishoku no karasu ga Sore wo ubaitotte yaburisuteta

At the middle of a grim fighting road, we up man's map; where do we go?

The plant-eating crow plunders that and escapes

Saa kokoro no me Mihiraite Shika to ima wo mikiwamero! (Yeah!)

Ushinau mono nante nai sa Iza mairou!

Now, the eye of the heart only opens to make sure of the present! (Yeah!)

There is nothing lost, so let's turn back!

We are Fighting Dreamers Takami wo mezashite

Fighting Dreamers Narifuri kamawazu

Fighting Dreamers Shinjiru ga mama ni

Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!

We are Fighting Dreamers, aiming high

Fighting Dreamers, not caring about appearances

Fighting Dreamers, because we believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!

Right here Right now (Bang!)

Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!

Right here Right now (Burn!)

Right here Right now (Bang!)

Fire like a bullet LINER!

Right here Right now (Burn!)

Oto wo tatezu shinobiyoru kage ga Itsumo bokura wo madowaseru

Yuugenjikkou Ooki na kaze ga Uneri wo agete fukiareru

The creeping soundless shadow always puzzles us

The big short burst of wind increases the swell as it blows over

Kazashita surudoi katana de Onore no asu Kirihirake! (Yeah!)

Hoshou nante Doko ni mo nai sa Naa Sou daro!?

The sharp raised blade cuts open my tomorrow! (Yeah!)

Whatever the guarantee, its not anywhere it seems!?

We are Fighting Dreamers Takami wo mezashite

Fighting Dreamers Narifuri kamawazu

Fighting Dreamers Shinjiru ga mama ni

Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!

We are Fighting Dreamers, aiming high

Fighting Dreamers, not caring about appearances

Fighting Dreamers, because we believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!

Right here Right now (Bang!)

Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!

Right here Right now (Burn!)

Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!

Right here Right now (Bang!)

Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!

Right here Right now (Burn!)

Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!

Right here Right now (Bang!)

Fire like a bullet LINER!

Right here Right now (Burn!)

Finish it off Get the fire!

Right here Right now (Bang!)

Fire like a bullet LINER!

Right here Right now (Burn!)

Finish it off Get the fire!

We are Fighting Dreamers Kono nakama-tachi to

Fighting Dreamers Subete wo makikomi

Fighting Dreamers Kokorozashi Takaku

Oli Oli Oli Oh-!

We are Fighting Dreamers, with these best friends

Fighting Dreamers, swallowing up everything

Fighting Dreamers, with high ambitions

Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!

We are Fighting Dreamers Takami wo mezashite

Fighting Dreamers Narifuri kamawazu

Fighting Dreamers Shinjiru ga mama ni

Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!

We are Fighting Dreamers, aiming high

Fighting Dreamers, not caring about appearances

Fighting Dreamers, because we believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!

(Don't forget your first impulse ever)

(Let's keep your adventurous ever)

(Don't forget your first impulse ever)

(Let's keep your adventurous ever)

Right here Right now (Bang!)

Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!

Right here Right now (Burn!)

Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!

Right here Right now (Bang!)

Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!

Right here Right now (Burn!)

Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!

Right here Right now (Bang!)

Fire like a bullet LINER!

Right here Right now (Burn!)

Finish it off Get the fire!

Right here Right now (Bang!)

Fire like a bullet LINER!

Right here Right now (Burn!)

Finish it off Get the fire!


Original / Romaji LyricsEnglish Translation

dare datte shippai wa suru nda

hazukashii koto janai

kono kizu o muda ni shinai de

waratte arukereba ii

Everyone makes mistakes at times

It's not something embarrassing

Don't waste these scars

Keep on going laughing, and it'll all be good


sou shizuka na kuuki suikomi

hiroki sora ni kao age tobikomi

toki ni ame ga futtara hito yasumi

jaa yukusaki wa kaze fuku mama ni

takusan no matotteru koukai

kono kizu o muda ni shicha shounai

ude ni kunshou kizami ikoukai shougai

sou kokkara ga Show Time


That's right, breathe in a silent breath

Look to the vast sky, jump in

Take a break once in a while when it rains

Let the wind take the destination

All the regrets you carry

Can't let these scars go to waste

Carve an emblem into your arm, lets go as long as we love

That's right, from here on is the Show Time

ah iroasete kono PORA naka de ikiteru kako no jibun toka

itsumo TSURU nde hi no nai you ni

ibasho mitsukete hiataru you ni

konna kanji de hibi kattou ippo fumidasu beki ganbou

makkou shoubu jibun ni muke issou koko de kono uta hibikasou

Ah Like the past that lives in this fading polaroid picture

Just like the days we hung out

We searched for a place so we can sit in the sun

We fought every day like this The one step you gotta take for your desire

A real fight for yourself Let's sing this song forever in this place

dare datte shippai wa suru nda

hazukashii koto janai

kono kizu o muda ni shinai de

waratte arukereba ii

Everyone makes mistakes at times

It's not something embarrassing

Don't waste these scars

Keep on going laughing, and it'll all be good


kyou hajimari o tsugeru asayake yume to genjitsu no hazama de

What's Say kono koe kareru sono hi made

korogari tsudzukeru Another Day

shuppotsu shinkou kamase in o shindou kaitaku michi ippon yeah

yagate toori ni hanasake soshite mirai ni mugete habatake

genjitsu omoku nokkaru ga mezase chouten Like a No Culture

saru ga saru ni shikanarenai Oh

jibun wa jibun ni shikanarenai Yo

asu o ki ni shite shita muku mae ni

kyou no jibun no ki no muku mama ni

saisei kyou wa chou kaisei nanimo nayami nankanaize


Morning dawn tells you the beginning Between the borders of dream and reality

What's Say until the day my voice dies away

keep on truckin' Another Day

All aboard ready to go Develop a single road yeah

Soon flowers bloom along the way And will spread its wing toward the future

Reality burdens real heavy but go for the top Like a No Culture

A monkey can only be a monkey Oh

One can only be himself Yo

Before you worry about tomorrow with your head down

Be what you wanna be today

Rebirth, today's a fine day I've got nothing to worry for

omoku no shikakaru genjitsu ga

ima no boku o semetateteru

kantan ni wa ikanai na

sonna koto kurai chouchi shiteru yo

Reality leans heavy on me

And it's torturing me

Nothing comes easy

I know that well enough

dare datte shippai wa suru nda

hazukashii koto janai

kono kizu o muda ni shinai de

waratte arukereba ii

takusan no koukai o matotte

aji no aru hito ni naru sa

kanashimi mo kaze ni kaete

tsuyoku susunde ikereba ii

Everyone makes mistakes at times

It's not something embarrassing

Don't waste these scars

Keep on going laughing, and it'll all be good

With all the regrets I've gone through

I'll be a person with taste

Even turn sadness into a wind

Keep on going strong, and it'll all be good


sou shizuka na kuuki suikomi

hiroki sora ni kao age tobikomi

toki ni ame ga futtara hito yasumi

jaa yukusaki wa kaze fuku mama ni

takusan no matotteru koukai

sono kizu o muda ni shicha shounai

ude ni kunshou kizami ikoukai shougai

sou kokkara ga Show Time


That's right, breathe in a silent breath

Look to the vast sky, jump in

Take a break once in a while when it rains

Let the wind take the destination

All the regrets you carry

Can't let these scars go to waste

Carve an emblem into your arm, lets go as long as we love

That's right, from here on is the Show Time

Naruto-Distance-Long Shot Party

Original / Romaji LyricsEnglish Translation

You're my friend aa ano hi no yume ima demo mada wasuretenain desho

You're my dream aa hajimatta bakka kimi no one longest way

Oh ima tabidatsu yo

You're my friend, ah, you haven't forgotten the dream from that day yet, have you?

You're my dream, ah, your one longest way has begun

Oh, let's go now!

Everyday kono saki mo shining day

Kawarazu singin' hikaru asa no smile

Kore de miosame no funny days

Tobidatsu future mezashita go far kokoro no dream of

I'll go the distance mihatenu sora wa blue

Norikonda star ship kore ga saigo no forever trip

Everyday ahead is a shining day

A change in singin', your shining morning smile

Here, a last glimpse of funny days

I'll jump to the future, I've aimed to go far, dreaming of your heart

I'll go the distance, until I can see the end of the blue sky

Embarking on a star ship, this is the most extreme forever trip

You're my friend aa ano hi no yume ima demo mada wasuretenain desho

You're my dream aa hajimatta bakka kimi no one longest way

Oh ima tabidatsu yo

Thank you my friend aa ano hi no koto ima de mo mada oboeteru kara

You're my dream aa mou nidoto sou modoranai days

Oh I'll go the distance

You're my friend, ah, you haven't forgotten the dream from that day yet, have you?

You're my dream, ah, your one longest way has begun

Oh, let's go now!

Thank you my friend, ah, even though I remember what happened that day

You're my dream, I still can't turn back to it again

Oh, I'll go the distance

Kakushikirenai kurai no ooki na uso wo tsuite

Nomikomareru honne kore wa saigo no trip

Maketsuzuke no geemu kore kara hajimatteku one dream

The lie I've told is too big for me to keep hiding

So I'll swallow the truth, this is the end of my trip

I can't keep losing this game, my one dream has begun

You're my friend aa ano hi no yume ima demo mada wasuretenain desho

You're my dream aa hajimatta bakka kimi no one longest way

Oh ima tabidatsu yo

Thank you my friend aa ano hi no koto ima de mo mada oboeteru kara

You're my dream aa mou nidoto sou modoranai days

Mou ugokidashita ashita e keseya shinai Flame of heart

Sou I'll go the distance

You're my friend, ah, you haven't forgotten the dream from that day yet, have you?

You're my dream, ah, your one longest way has begun

Oh, let's go now!

Thank you my friend, ah, even though I remember what happened that day

You're my dream, I still can't turn back to it again

Already on the move towards tomorrow, my flame of heart cannot be put out

That's right, I'll go the distance

shooting-star-nagareboshi- Home Made Kazoku

Original / Romaji LyricsEnglish Translation

Sora wo miagereba

Hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru

Kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni

Samazama na hikari wo hanatte

Sou sou dakara boku mo

Hitokiwa kagayaite itain da

Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau

Nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite

When I look up at the sky

The stars, see, are sparkling

Each giving off its own light

Like the people on this planet

Yeah, so I, too

Want to shine particularly bright

I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart

And entrust my dreams to that shooting star

Koko wa itsumo no kouen

Yakei ga mieru

Suberidai no ue

Mukashi kara boku no tokutouseki

Nayami ga areba koko ni kurun desu

Ano koro no mama yume no tochuu de

Ima de kanaerarezu ni irun desu

Moshikashite koko ga mou shuuten

Nante yowane wo haite shimaisou na hi mo aru

Demo sono tabi ni omoidasu

Nagareboshi wo sagashite ano hoshizora

Chiisana koro no negaigoto

Ima mukashi mo kawaranai mama

I'm in my usual park

I can see the night scenery

On the slide

That's been my special seat for years

Whenever I'm worried about something, I come here

Just like then, I'm on my way to my dreams

But unable to fulfil them

"Maybe this is the end of the line"

There are days when I say weak things like that

But every time, I remember

That starry sky where I looked for a shooting star

The wish I made when I was little

Hasn't changed even now

Sora wo miagereba

Hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru

Kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni

Samazama na hikari wo hanatte

Sou sou dakara boku mo

Hitokiwa kagayaite itain da

Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau

Nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite

When I look up at the sky

The stars, see, are sparkling

Each giving off its own light

Like the people on this planet

Yeah, so I, too

Want to shine particularly bright

I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart

And entrust my dreams to that shooting star

Yoru no kousha nakama to shinobikomi

Koe wo hisome kanaame yojinobori

Hiruma to chigau kao no guraundo wo se ni

Mezashita basho wo "puuru" to iu na no umi

Mizugi nante mon wa nai kara minna suppadaka

Dareka ga kisei wo hasshite tobikonda

Yoru no tobari ni hibiku mizushibuki

Ato ni tsuzuke to bakari ni minna, issai ni haitte

Sora miage pukapuka ukanda

Me no mae ni aru hoshi wo nagame ooku no yume katariatte

Sagashita ne ano nagareboshi

Hiding out in the schoolyard at night with my mates

We climbed the chain-link fence

The field seemed to have a different face than during the day

We headed for our sea called the pool

We didn't have swimming trunks, so we were all stark naked

Someone jumped in with a strange yell

The splash echoed through the night

"After him!" Everyone else piled in

We floated gently, looking up at the sky

Looked at the stars in front of us, and talked about heaps of dreams

And looked for that shooting star

Sora wo miagereba

Hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru

Kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni

Samazama na hikari wo hanatte

Sou sou dakara boku mo

Hitokiwa kagayaite itain da

Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau

Nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite

When I look up at the sky

The stars, see, are sparkling

Each giving off its own light

Like the people on this planet

Yeah, so I, too

Want to shine particularly bright

I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart

And entrust my dreams to that shooting star

Miageta sora ni musuu no hoshii

Ima mo mukashi mo kawaranai shi

Yume wa hate shinaku kuruoshikute

Ano hoshi no you ni sugoku mabushii

Looking up at the sky, there are countless stars

The same number now that there was years ago

My dreams are endless and crazy

Incredibly bright, like that star

Hey! Sonna ni utsumuite bakari icha

Mieru mono mo mienaku naru kara

Sora miagete keep your head up!!

Hey! "Miageta sora ni ima, nani wo omou?"

Itsuka kirameku ano hoshi no you ni...

I wanna shine

Hey! If you keep hanging your head like that

You won't even be able to see the things you can see

Look up at the sky, keep your head up!!

Hey! "What do you think of the sky you see?"

Someday, like that shining star�c

I wanna shine

Sora wo miagereba

Hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru

Kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni

Samazama na hikari wo hanatte

Sou sou dakara boku mo

Hitokiwa kagayaite itain da

Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau

Nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite

When I look up at the sky

The stars, see, are sparkling

Each giving off its own light

Like the people on this planet

Yeah, so I, too

Want to shine particularly bright

I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart

And entrust my dreams to that shooting star